The Lindisfarne Gospels – Complete

It was written and decorated at the end of the 7th century by the monk Eadfrith, who became Bishop of Lindisfarne in 698 and died in 721. Its original leather binding, long since lost, was made by Ethelwald, who succeeded Eadfrith as bishop, and was decorated with jewels and precious metals later in the 8th century by Billfrith the Anchorite.
This is an eBookTreasures edition which includes all pages from the manuscript and audio narration and interpretation on selected pages.
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The Lindisfarne Gospels – Highlights

It was written and decorated at the end of the 7th century by the monk Eadfrith, who became Bishop of Lindisfarne in 698 and died in 721. Its original leather binding, long since lost, was made by Ethelwald, who succeeded Eadfrith as bishop, and was decorated with jewels and precious metals later in the 8th century by Billfrith the Anchorite.
This is an eBookTreasures edition which includes selected pages from the manuscript and audio narration and interpretation on all pages.
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The Queen Mary Atlas

The atlas was probably commissioned by Mary I as a gift for her husband, Philip II of Spain, a few months after their marriage in June 1554. Its creator, Diogo Homem, belonged to a distinguished Portuguese mapmaking dynasty.
Philip never received the atlas. It seems only to have been completed after Mary’s death in November 1558.
This eBookTreasures facsimile edition contains the complete manuscript.
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The Holkham Bible

The Holkham Bible tells highlights of the Bible story, from Creation, through the life of Jesus, to the Last Judgment. It is only loosely based on the Bible, and includes plenty of apocryphal episodes, especially about Jesus’s early life. It does this with brief text that is part prose, part poetry, and most importantly, with a unique sequence of illustrations that draw many of their details from everyday life.
The book was probably made in London in the mid-14th century, round about the time of Geoffrey Chaucer’s birth.
This eBookTreasures facsimile edition contains the complete manuscript.
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The Golden Haggadah

This eBookTreasures facsimile edition contains the complete manuscript along with audio and text commentary on selected pages.
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Mozart’s Musical Diary

by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
This manuscript, also known as Mozart’s Thematic Catalogue, is the record of his compositions in the last seven years of his life.
During this period, from February 1784 until December 1791, he composed many of his best-known works, including his five mature operas, several of his most beautiful piano sonatas, and his last three great symphonies, as well as several famous lesser works. It was a turbulent time of his life, with financial crises, family tragedy, and his ongoing unsuccessful search for a permanent court position.
Mozart made his last entry in the catalogue just three weeks before his early death in December 1791. His last great work, a requiem, was not entered as it remained unfinished at his death.
This is an eBookTreasures facsimile edition, which includes specially-recorded music throughout the book, as well as text commentary on every page.
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by George Frideric Handel
The draft score of Handel’s oratorio ‘Messiah’ is one of the greatest musical treasures in the British Library. Handel established and developed the English oratorio as a musical genre, and ‘Messiah’ is its best known and best loved example. As only fragmentary sketches survive, this manuscript is the source for Handel’s first known ideas for the work; it also includes many of his alterations for later performances. It illuminates his working methods and includes performance directions. Its detailed dating reveals the composer’s characteristic speed of composition: the work was begun on 22 August and completed just 24 days later on 14 September, 1741.
This is an eBookTreasures facsimile edition, containing additional interpretative text and selected recordings from ‘Messiah’.
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The First Folio

by William Shakespeare
This is an exact facsimile reproduction of the large and handsome book known simply as the ‘First Folio’, the earliest collected edition of Shakespeare’s ‘Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies’. It was printed in 1623, seven years after his death. This eBookTreasures edition is taken from an exceptional copy held at the British Library.
For students of Shakespeare, going back to these earliest printed editions of the plays provides an incredible insight in to the language used at the time of the plays’ performance and is an essential part of a more complete understanding of Shakespeare’s work.
This eBookTreasures edition also includes several speeches from the play performed by actors using 17th century pronunciation, allowing you to hear the play as Shakespeare would.
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Romeo and Juliet

by William Shakespeare
This facsimile edition of Romeo and Juliet is taken from the large and handsome book known simply as the ‘First Folio’, the earliest collected edition of Shakespeare’s ‘Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies’. It was printed in 1623, seven years after his death. Eighteen of Shakespeare’s plays had already been published in the small, cheap format known as quartos during his lifetime, including such favourites as A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. The First Folio added another eighteen, including Macbeth, The Tempest and Twelfth Night all of which are indispensable to the modern repertory. Without the First Folio only half of Shakespeare’s dramatic output would have survived.
Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeare’s most enduringly popular play, telling the story of two doomed lovers. It has been performed and adapted in countless ways, and is still one of the most-studied plays in the world. It was written sometime between 1591 and 1595.
This is an enhanced eBookTreasures facsimile edition which includes a speech from the play performed with 17th century pronunciation, allowing you to hear the play as Shakespeare would.
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A Midsummer Night’s Dream

by William Shakespeare
This facsimile edition of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is taken from the large and handsome book known simply as the ‘First Folio’, the earliest collected edition of Shakespeare’s ‘Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies’. It was printed in 1623, seven years after his death. Eighteen of Shakespeare’s plays had already been published in the small, cheap format known as quartos during his lifetime, including such favourites as A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. The First Folio added another eighteen, including Macbeth, The Tempest and Twelfth Night all of which are indispensable to the modern repertory. Without the First Folio only half of Shakespeare’s dramatic output would have survived.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of Shakespeare’s best-loved comedies and is still widely performed today. It is thought that sources such as Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses’ and Chaucer’s ‘The Knight’s Tale’ influenced Shakespeare in his composition of the play. It was written some time around 1595.
This is an enhanced eBookTreasures facsimile edition which includes a speech from the play performed with 17th century pronunciation, allowing you to hear the play as Shakespeare would.
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